Facebook provides users with an option to export the data of their friends birthdays to an external calendar. Users can do this by simply downloading the “.ics”(calendar) file from their Facebook profile. Once you have downloaded this “.ics” file, you can export this file to any available external calendars (like Google Calendar).
Follow the below steps to retrieve your Facebook calendar file :
- Login to www.facebook.com
- Navigate to EventsYou should see a screen like below.
- Scroll down and notice the link for Birthdays on the right-hand side.See the screenshot below.
- Right click on the Birthdays link and copy the URL.The URL should be like webcal://www.facebook.com/
ical/b.php?uid= 100001111111111&key= ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP - Strip out the webcal:// that you see in the starting of the above URL.It should look like www.facebook.com/ical/b.
php?uid=100001111111111&key= ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP - Open this URL in any browser to download your Facebook Birthdays calendar file to your local disk.
You can now export this calendar file to an external calendar of your choice!